June 7

Mixing up your Stream!

Welcome nerds and nerdettes!

Today I want to direct your attention to a 1 year old streaming platform Mixer.com! Mixer.com (formally know as Beam) was purchased in August of 2016 by Microsoft and shortly thereafter was integrated into Windows 10 and Xbox One. On May 25th Beam was relaunched with its new name Mixer.

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way…

So, I am sure many of you are asking yourself why in the heck do I care about a streaming service. Well because this nerd right here is about to embark on an epic journey of nerdiness by throwing his jester hat into the ring of streaming. I have been playing around with this idea for some time and last week started to stream live on twitch.tv and uploading those streams to my YouTube channel.

As I delved deeper in to streaming I found another site I could stream to and it was called Mixer. I decided to check it out and created an account and what I found was a very welcoming and tight knit community that is supportive of new comers.

I decided to start streaming to Mixer, Like my Mom always told me “Never put all your eggs in one basket.” so what the heck right?  I still wanted to stream to Twitch.tv  so I started digging around to see what it would take to stream to both platforms and found a website that allows me to stream to multiple sites at the same time called restream.io. I quickly setup an account and configured my streaming software so I could do just that. On June 2nd I streamed my Aion Online game play live to both sites without a glitch.

By this time, I started watching more and more streamers on Mixer than the other guys… what was their name… oh yeah Twitch. I started asking Mixer streamers on how to build my base and the majority of them said I need to concentrate on one platform. When I asked them why they choose Mixer they all said they felt more at home, that the community was awesome, and more room for follower growth. After I digested all their feedback I decided to concentrate my efforts and build up my following on Mixer and YouTube but still stream to Twitch just to keep that account active.

If you are interested in watching me live-stream here are my links on Mixer as well as my YouTube and Twitch account!


Stay nerdy everyone!

July 16

Blog me a river…

I was contemplating what I should write as my first “official” blog and after thinking about it I figured running a blog is a pretty nerdy thing to do so why not write about that!

When I decided to start this blog I had no idea on how much work it was going to be. Now do not get me wrong I am committed to the success of talkingnerdy.org. I was just under some silly misconceptions on what it takes to get one up and running and recognized. How much work you ask? Well it all depends on what it is you wish to use it for. If you are using it as a journal or diary then there is very little to be done past setting up a account on your blogging platform of choice and sending a link to everyone you wish to share it with.

However if you strive to fulfill your narcissistic desires of conquering the world then there is much much more to consider, create, and implement.

  1. Decide what it is you wish to blog about. Flora and fauna of Azeroth is a good topic.
  2. Research the many blogging platforms. You can find a good guide at lifehacker.com.
  3. Find a place to host your creation. (some platforms offer free hosting)
  4. Register a domain name or create an alias that conveys your blogging concept. For example azerothlife.org has a good ring to it.
  5. Create artwork to make your blog look pretty. I mean who wouldn’t like a picture of a murloc?
  6. Setup a presence on social media sites. Don’t forget to post that murloc banner on your Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ account!
  7. Have a road-map of topics you wish to blog about in advance. I would suggest having at least 2 weeks worth of blog topics. Anybody up for a 14 part expose on murloc husbandry?
  8. Train a couple of pets… ahem… I mean recruit a couple friends to contribute so you do not have to do all the work yourself.
  9. Annoy your friends and family with frequent posts about the blog to feed you ever growing ego.

As you can see there is a lot of work that goes into a successful blog and I hope Talking Nerdy finds just a little bit of success.

Until next time Nerds! For the Horde!
Richard Keen, Jr.