August 17

RPG – Paizo: Pathfinder Gen Con Reveals.

The below information was taken from Known Direction Podcast and I thank them for posting it!

Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path

Releasing after the Giant Slayer adventure path, Hell’s Rebels will cast the players as rebels in Cheliax city of Kintargo, who will attempt to overthrow the rule of House Thrune.
Will also have issue 100 of the Adventure Path line. This issue will be an extra 32 pages long (120 Pages), will be written by James Jacobs, and will also contain a special article on the dead god Aroden written by Erik Mona as well as summary and supporting NPC for every AP released so far.
PCs will be building up a resistance group called the Silver Crows in the city over the course of the campaign, and might use the organization rules from Ultimate Campaign.
While the AP will have plenty of combat, social RP will be a large focus. Expect a political focus.
Probably not a good AP for Chelish loyalist.

Occult Adventures

The Pathfinder RPG rules hard cover to be released at Gen Con 2015.
Will focus on occult themes, spiritualism, and pulpy flavor.
One of the phrases used was “Less Professor X, More Penny Dreadful.”
Will be the book that introduces Psychic Magic into the Pathfinder RPG!
Psychic Magic will work very similarly to existing Arcane and Divine Magic, with spells per day progressions and will not be based on the Psionic Handbooks from 3e/3.5e Dungeons & Dragons.
Will introduce 6 new classes to the Pathfinder RPG.
The Kineticist will be a raw manipulator of psychic forces (Telekinetic, Pyrokinetic, etc) and will not be a caster / magic user.
Spiritualist is another. Has a spirit that they communicate with and can manifest through the world. Ectoplasmic is an ability.
The Mystic was mentioned by name, but no details were given.
There will be a public playtest of these six classes “soon.”
The book will also have a monster section to help support the play.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races Hard Cover

Because of the success of Inner Sea Gods, they decided that another Campaign Setting hard cover would be good.
The first 2/3 of the book will cover the various races and ethnicities in Golarion and how they fit in, not as general an over view as they got in the Advanced Race Guide.
The remaining third of the book will be lots of crunch for use with characters in Golarion.

When I can get my hands on a definitive list for Wizards of the Coast I will post it!

Enjoy Nerds!

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Posted August 17, 2014 by Richard Keen in category "RPG", "Tabletop

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