March 19

Game – Pests! – Can you exterminate your competition?

I am always looking for a great tabletop game that steps outside the box and offers something different. One of my favorite places to search is Kickstarter. Not only are there some awesome ideas there but most of the time the creators are looking for their big break. I like that you can help someone else’s dream become a reality and well worth it when it is made and delivered.

Pests! is one of those games that caught my attention. It is a competitive game for 2-6 players. Game mechanics include card drafting, modular board, variable player powers, and an action point allowance system. Play time is 45-75 minutes.

You play as an Exterminator who specializes in the elimination of a particular type of Pest: Flying Bugs, Creepy Crawlies, Winged Beasts, Vicious Vermin, Unwanted Guests, or Spooky Specters. You’ve been hired to clear your type of pests out of a house, but when you arrive, you discover that the house has other types of infestations. The homeowner’s hired several other exterminators, each with a different specialty, and only the first to complete their job will get paid!

A pledge of $39 gives all that is pictured below with shipping included!

Go check out their Kickstarter page and they have 3 days left and you can help them to some very cool and reachable goals!


Until next time May the Nerd be with you!


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Posted March 19, 2017 by Richard Keen in category "Uncategorized

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